Worst Ferret Mourner in All of History

So yesterday, at rough 7:30pm EST, Bandit passed. Bandit was my bro’s first ferret, my second ferret, and our oldest one to date at almost 9 years old.


In order of the above photo, we have Whisper, Snickett Sunshine, and Bandit shown. Bandit was the one who passed yesterday.

Whisper and Snickett are two of her four playmates, all female. Whisper and Snickett will both be two years old come this summer. Both joined the family in the wake of Smore, my third ferret’s, death, a month apart, with Whisper being brought home two days after Smore passed.

snuggle pile 1

In order of the above photo, we have Whisper, Lily Adams, Snickett Sunshine, and Rosie.

These are Bandit’s playmates and the current survivors past her death. Lily and Rosie were brought home last summer when a classmate of mine was looking to rehome them. We originally only went to visit…but Rosie was albino…and I’d always wanted an albino ferret since Flower passed…so we ended up bringing them home. Lily and Rosie are a year older than Whisper and Snickett, becoming three this summer.

So, onto the topic of this entry. Bandit passed away yesterday from old age, having lasted nearly a year longer than we expected her to. She did not suffer, having passed in her sleep as Smore did before her. Once the ground properly thaws, she’ll be buried near Flower and Smore in the garden outside of my window.

Mom and I had to go to the pet store today to get fish food and a few other things. Of course, there were baby ferrets there. Two tiny champagne girls and a dark boy with a white mask. So I play with them to help them exercise and nip train them a bit. I usually do that when I go because the owner, Rick, knows I’m good with them and have cared for seven so far successfully. And I won’t drop them when handling them, unlike some people.

So I’m handling the baby male…and love happened. And mom did not stop me, which I’m surprised at. We’ve only ever had female ferrets because the males get huge and tend to stink more. This…will be an experience.

I will post photos of our new baby, Duke Chipper Nipper, once mom gets them off of her camera.